Type-I censoring mechanism arises when the number of units experiencing the event is random but the total duration of th......
The purpose of this paper is to verify the Smulyan lemma for the support function, and also the Gateaux differentiabilit......
A mapping f: X→Y is called weak sequence-covering if whenever {ya} is a sequence in Y converging to y ∈ Y, there exist......
The finite dimension of the global attractors for the systems of the perturbed and unperturbed dissipative Hamiltonian a......
在讲授泛函分析中Riesz Frechet定理时,先从学生熟悉的三维欧式空间出发给出Riesz Frechet定理,再在Hilbert空间上给出Riesz Frech......
Bayesian models usually require the specification of prior distributions for param-eters. The choice of a prior distribu......